Monday, August 20, 2007

Djina's Final (and I'm not kidding..this is really the last one)word!

Well, we are slowly settling in. Friends have been gliding through, dropping off pies, garden delicacies (alas, my garden is a wreck, as I expected but a bummer nonetheless. I was able to find some tomatoes and squash amidst the weedy rubble, but that's about it.), fruit, hugs, CHEESE and breads.....
Lloyd, our mailman, just came by with three huge postal boxes full of mail to sort through.
Our bikes are still missing in action but I've been reassured by friends that they will eventually show up. I rode my around town bike to my beloved Co-op yesterday and bought about 10 bags of groceries! It was just heaven being around all that organic produce, tofu, and good juju. Everything I love to eat was there, and more....
The boys have been luxuriating in all their free time by wakin up late, playing on their gameboys, reading back issues of SportsIllustrated, and trolling through the kitchen for something to eat every half hour or so. They did spend a couple hours picking up all the fallen apples, and picking plums from the plum orchard.
It was weird being back the first day. I felt sort of culture shocky. But a few morning runs with Sharon, cheese with Ken and Betty, Mark and Sharon, seeing Shulamit home from her year in Israel (Baruch HaShem), running into everyone at the is starting to feel normal long as I don't go out to my vegetable garden....
Thank you all for your support and comments, prayers, e-mails, phone calls, and love.
Unfortunately I don't have a blog address for Paul and Karen in India. If I get one, I'll send out an e-mail.
Loads of Love,
Ps I'll put the last set of photos up on the website asap, for anyone interested. They include the rest of Kentucky, Virginia, and DC.


Anonymous said...

So how many petition signatures did you finally get?

Sorry about the garden. Time to get ready for fall overwintering crops anyway. Make a new start of it with some kale and collards. It is too bad a villager did not adopt it for the summer, but I know that is hard to do what with one's own garden out of control.

Congratulations on a safe and satisfying adventure brought home again.I hope to see you all before long.

aunt zizz

Anonymous said...

Hi Djina,

I have to admit your blog became a habit anytime I have been on the computer that I am finding hard to break. Well, as they say "all good things have their time" or something like that.

I am looking forward to your pictures.

I am glad you are enjoying everything about being home except the condition of your garden, but since gardens are always changing, now you can make the fine tuning changes for next season.

Best wishes to all of you,

LJ - Bee Reader

gteamhj said...

It's great to have your wonderful vibes and smiles back in the 'hood. Thanks for energizing my language--yes, good juju at the Coop, my friends! So glad the Washington, D.C. meetings went well. Glad Yonah was inspired. The good thing is that you're here and well.
Lyra & TeamHJ

Karen Amstutz said...


I hope you get this as a forwarded email.... YOU ARE LUSCIOUS AND AWESOME! What a phenomenal ride you've done together!!! We love y'all and miss you over here in India.

Our blog is

email still -

Karen Amstutz said...

Hi Djina!!!! So great to get your comments on our BLOG too!

What's your email address? When I try to reply to your blog comments, it routes it through blogger.... do they get to you? Perhaps easier to just get back in direct email contact, eh?

LOVE LOVE LOVED your stories and amazing cycling adventure!!! Can I link your blog to ours with a little "amazing cycling family" tab for folks to click on?

Can't wait to see you this winter! We fly back early Jan.

Paulo RS