Friday, August 17, 2007

Scored another dime bag of time on the computer...

sometimes when I'm writing I forget that it is not just my closest friends that are reading this blog. Besides the people who identify themselves as "lurkers" (Trudi's term that I stole), there are all kinds of other people that have been following our progress across the country. Like famous radio personalities for example!!! I was shocked and delighted to read an e-mail that Matt forwarded to me, from none other than Jefferey Callassen!!!! The host of NPR's Insight, or CPR or something like that. I'm sure you all know who I'm talking about...the guy with the funny accent. I am actually a faithful listener of Insight. Mostly because I like to try to decipher his damn accent...I have a few working theories, including but not limited to; Irish parents who fled to Chezchslovokia when he was a mere lad, only to send him off to be raised by an Aunt in Texas when he turned 16. Anyhow, he wanted to see if we would be interested in being on his show!!!! You just never know who is tuning in here at ride2cooltheplanet. Oprah...if you're out there, we could probably make some time for you too. Just e-mail us. I promise I won't let Matt use the whole time to hawk his books!
Anyhow, I'll let you all know when it is. Of course the whole e-mail could have been just a prank pulled on us by Ana, in retaliation for the time I sent her a letter on official UCSF stationary, informing her of the huge monetary prize she had been awarded for her academic achievements. If we really are going to be on Insight, I'll let you all know so you can listen.
I looked over the other bullet points and decided they had either been covered sufficiently, or didn't need to be covered at all.
So, tomorrow we fly home. Sharon and Mark are picking us up at the airport. By the time we get back Eli will be at UC will be so weird not having him around...I'm sure Sharon and I will be making lots of suddenly crucial trips to the Cheeseboard, there in Berkeley.
I just went to check on Solomon, who is reading in the children's section. It is so cute, he is the only white kid there, amidst a sea of Black mothers and their children. He hasn't moved from his spot beside the Tin Tin books in almost an hour. I told him we would need to leave soon and he frowned!
We are going to take our bikes to the bikeshop and box them up for transport home and then go to the Renwick gallery!!!! My favorite. I've been looking forward to it for the last 10 weeks!!!! I may go tomorrow too. There is just so much to do here...I will need to come back and live here for a year.


Anonymous said...

Wish you could stay there longer to soak up the sights!

I am glad you are traveling light at the airport. They are an adventure in their own right.

When you are sitting in the plane and it takes off - I expect the feeling of a goal well done will really sink in. Please, make a toast to each other when the drinks make the rounds!

To magical moments and the joy of living and surviving with grace!May they continue!

LJ - Bee Reader

Unknown said...

Matt, Djina, Yonah, Solomon,

I've been following your journey all summer. Congratulations on what sounds like the trip of a lifetime. I felt like I was there with you. I'm sure I'll see you around town and then I'll congratulate you in person.

-Tony Lien

Anonymous said...

Djina, Matt, Yonah and Solomon,

There is a very nice story about your successful adventure in the BEE on Saturday Morning - 8-18-07. I hope some how you get a copy of it!

I hope you have a good flight home!


LJ - Bee Reader

gteamhj said...

Hi friends,
I'm thinking you're back in California (or at least CA airspace) now at 7 p.m. Saturday. Great weather to greet you--low 90s, slight breeze, my favorite summer feeling. The 'hood has been reading the Sac Bee article, and looking forward to seeing you--maybe tonight?! Jeffrey Callison's show Insight is on Capital Public Radio (Sacramento's NPR affiliate, 90.9 FM) weekdays from 2-3 p.m. Wowie, what a trip.
Lyra, Alan, Josh, Julia

Anonymous said...

This may be too late for a response, but has the Davis Enterprise contacted you at all????? I am shocked/angry that there hasn't been any articles about you in it. So the bar-b-q nut, is he for real??? I hoped the world was over his kind. Barb b