Monday, August 6, 2007

Ken's Story about riding with us....

.... is at:


Anonymous said...

Djina, Matt and Ken,

I read Ken's great adventure story and laughed out loud many times. It is wonderful!!!

I am glad you are all doing the impossible and serviving in good spirits!

It is interesting how Sprite has matured now! I am sure Yonah doesn't buy it for a minute.

A toast to much more laughter on your journey. Enjoy!

LJ - Bee Reader

Anonymous said...

Your on the road again. Matt's comment about doing what seems impossible is an allegory to be
written I am sure in story form as a lesson in committment and endurance, and the ability to laugh alot along the way. Already you see the product of this determination because you do get back on the bike and ride another day. Your young son has acknowledged his own growth and maturity, and who could doubt it, and his older brother seems to accept the responsibility of navigating you towards your goal. And we who sit out on the sidelines, cheering you as you get nearer and nearer, are asking ourselves, can we even come close to matching this level of hutzbah! I don't know. To some degree or another, maybe we all have. But we are looking towards your life on the road as a zen-like benchmark. We continue to engage in your daily travails and pleasures. Proceed safely.Yvette

Anonymous said...

I can not believe that you did not stick around for the "corn hole tournament".
