Tuesday, August 7, 2007

Sunday August 5th Hindman->Elkhorn

Woke up in the Hindman City park, did yoga, made coffee, oatmeal, cereal for breakfast, said goodbye to Stephen, and rode the 1/4 mile to the Exxon station where we all filed in to use the bathroom. It was cool and overcast as we started out and within about 5 miles it started to rain. It was so nice to finally ride in our first rainshower. I finally got a shower.
It was so refreshing.
You (help, this computer is freaking out on me)
don't get any wetter than when you are riding in the muggy heat and sweating. It is so beautiful here in this part of the Appalacians. There is Hibiscus bushes of every shape, size, and color growing all over the place. It is like a lush forest of vines, hardwood trees, foliage, and mist.
I saw more garden tchotchkys too...Snow White and the Seven Dwarves, greek women in robes, toads sitting around a table with coats and hats on, and a bunch of bird houses about 2 ft. from the ground. It was such a beautiful ride. Lots of hills, oh Yeah!
It was Sunday and lots of people were sitting on their porches, watching the rain. They would yell things to me as I rode by but I couldn't understand them so I just smiled and waved. That seemed to satisfy them and they would smile, lean back, and take a nice long drag on their cigarettes.
(getting kicked off...more later.)

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