Sunday, August 12, 2007

Sunday August 12th Lexington, VA->Blue Ridge Parkway->Afton,VA

I know there are a few days missing and so many stories to tell but it is late and we are at the home of some great people whom you would all just LOVE!!!! More on them later. We are so close we can smell it. We are exhausted. We left the Appalachians today. It has started to cool down a bit. To answer some of your questions: No, it never cools down at night. It is cooler in the early morning though, really pleasant until about 9am. We get up early so we can usually get at least 20 miles in before it gets hot.
Aughnty V- that is so funny that you say that about me looking forward to my home life, even as I'm sorry to see this life on the road end. That is exactly what I was thinking and talking about garden, and wondering how it is doing, my friends and all the fun things we will be doing, I was thinking about the Palms and dancing with Ramona, I was thinking about the Bees I'm going to start keeping!!!!! And all backpacking with Julie, and riding with that I'll be able to keep up...maybe. I've been thinking about all these things I want to do in my garden, and getting to know the new midwife and new doc that we hired before I left, running with Sharon, Fall yoga retreat, new recipes I want to learn, restaurants I want to go to, parties I want to have.....etc. etc.
Anyhow, we will spend a day in Charlottesville and then ride for two more days to DC, then home on the 18th. I'll write more later.
I miss and love you all.


Anonymous said...

It is so good to hear from you again. We all worry when you don't post anything for a while.

You are almost ther, so many congratulations!!

Stay safe

Anonymous said...

I, too, was glad to hear. I probably won't write again, but want you to know I have absolutely loved this blog, feel such pride in what you have done, and so thankful to hear about a family that is doing such a wonderful bonding 'thing'. You are a marvel in my eyes. THANK YOU so much for sharing and Congratulations on a tremendous accomplisment. Barb B

Anonymous said...

I commented earlier, but the comment was lost..ah well, how to recreate what I initially said?
First, I am so glad to have heard from you..three days and I became a mother hen beginning to fret as she loses sight of her young uns.
But here you are..and I hope you have a chance to relax before the next and final push. Oh I can hardly believe it. It seems to me if you are in Charlottesville, then maybe you haven't as yet gone through the Blue Ridge Parkway..and if not, let me say you are in for a treat...although the many times I have driven it, on route to and from High Point was really really foggy. Since we went so often, we did get to see and experience the wonderful vistas.

Also, I will hold you to the stories you were too busy or too rushed or too tired to still owe us some of those. Meanwhile know that you guys have done a brave and powerful thing and those of us who have followed you on your journey all summer, pretty much have experienced some of your life..for that I am personally very stay cool, stay safe, and before you know it, back to Davis..Bees, gardens, yoga, runs,
new midwife..the whole lot..and just to sleep in your bed..will be joyful--while you will feel a great deal of nostalgia..I wager. Love to you all. auntie Y.

Anonymous said...

And to add to my comment, I hope once your home, you don't find it necessary to camp out in your backyard or even better, find yourself rustling up your family and hitting the road along with sleeping bags, to and find a nice gas station nearby or maybe a sleep behind. Y'know a recreation. Okay now I'm done.

Anonymous said...

Wow, the Appalachians must have seemed like they went on forever, all consumming. Thank goodness for the morning coolness to ride in. Those few days had to have it's own beauty, not seen anywhere else.

It is wonderful that you can all see the result of your dreams, be happy where you are and have plans forming for the future.

Well, it is not over until it is over. Washington D.C. is yet to be seen and experiencing your goal is still in the future.

Even the flight home will be part of the adventure. Window seats are a must - hope you can get them!

One thought - You may want to UPS some of your stuff home to make for an easier time getting around the airports, through airport security and a more comfortable flight.

Note to Barb B, Hope to see you post again. I think you wrote about growing up in the midwest. My parents were raised in the midwest and raised us in California with the idea that we could do anything we dreamed which was a challenge for them at times.

I now have a better understanding of what they experienced while breaking away from the restrictive thinking of the midwest and still having ties to family in the midwest that they loved and missed.

Bottom line was always, go for your dreams and know you can work out the details as they come up.

To you, the Biers-Ariel family. You have done just that and I am in awe of what you have done!

Thank you for taking us along with you via your blog and wonderful pictures.


LJ - Bee Reader

Anonymous said...

Note to LJ, I was raised in Montana. The youngest of 9. I heard my dad 'discuss' many ideas with our religious preachers, and that is -I later realized- the reason I was able to think my own thoughts and feel o.k. about them. Dad was very outspoken with these people-altho only one on one in our home. Sorry to use this blog like this. Barb B

Anonymous said...

Sounds like each generation passing the best of the best onto the next generation. What could be better then that?

LJ - Bee Reader